Does anybody know what suddenly and unexpectedly being unemployed is good for? Blogging, cleaning, and crafting! Yeah! There is only so many hours a day you can fill out applications. And you definitely do NOT want to get stuck in that "I'm going to watch daytime television all day" trap. You WILL find a job...even if it takes a while...but in the mean time, be productive. You worked full time at the coffee shop until they sold it and you lost your didn't have time to clean, craft, or blog, and your apartment and creative consciousness suffered BIG time, didn't it. Well, now you have time. No more excuses. And, hey, why don't you do some sit-ups while you're at it?
So here's what this unemployed girl has been up to:
About a week ago, our group of friends sent our dear welsh girlfriend home. We spent the day shopping (this was before I knew I should have been hoarding my money) and I asked my friend over at eyeslifted to help me pick out a new project. I only had a general idea of what I wanted. I told her I wanted to make a hipster scarf. A few minutes later she hands me a couple balls of Bernat Cotton-ish in Crimson Twine. And, the scarf pattern on the label was PERFECT! Even though I have been knitting for the better part of a decade I had never knit with such delicate yarn ('s knit on size 6 needles...). I'm used to projects knit on needle size 10 or larger because of my knitters ADD. But, I'm forcing myself to work on it. I'll find myself falling into that daytime T.V. trap, so, I make myself knit while I'm watching. BAM! Productive. And, just so you know I'm cleaning, here is a pic of my newly de-cluttered, dusted, and organized chest of drawers in my living room:
Until next time, my friends!